Self-Rehab for Common Injuries


  • See below for lists of exercises to perform for the following common injuries. For each injury, click on the file or go to and type in the Access Code listed next to the injury. This will bring you to a site with picture, videos, and descriptions of the exercises to perform.

  • Some of them are broken into phases (1, 2, 3) to correspond with the injury. Once you feel comfortable with the previous phase's exercises and do not have pain, then progress to the next phase.

  • Try these exercises and if your symptoms do not start to improve within a week, schedule an appointment to be evaluated by the Physical Therapy Team at 337-718-2913.

Ankle Sprain

Who should perform these exercise plans?

  1. You rolled your ankle (inward or outward) while walking, running, rucking, playing sports, or some other activity

  2. You have ankle pain and/or stiffness in general

Ankle Sprain Phase 1: 93PF3ZDB

Ankle Sprain Phase 1.pdf

Ankle Sprain Phase 2: EPKQBZQY

Ankle Sprain Phase 2.pdf

Ankle Sprain Phase 3: DHZZDLXR

Ankle Sprain Phase 3.pdf

Calf Strain

Who should perform these exercise plans?

  1. You felt a pop or pull in the back of your calf while running or jumping

  • this may or may not be accompanied by swelling or bruising

  1. Have pain and/or tightness in the calf

Calf Strain Phase 1:


Gastroc Strain Phase 1.pdf

Calf Strain Phase 2:


Gastroc strain Phase 2.pdf

Calf Strain Phase 3:


Gastroc Strain Phase 3.pdf

Hamstring Strain

Who should perform these exercise plans?

  1. You felt a pop or a pull in the back of your thigh while running, jumping, playing sports, or performing some other activity

  • this may or may not be accompanied by swelling or bruising

  1. You have recurring pain or weakness in the back of the thigh

Hamstring Strain Phase 1: Y9EN89DR

Hamstring Strain Phase 1.pdf

Hamstring Strain Phase 2: JF8RPY3Z

Hamstring Strain Phase 2.pdf

Hamstring Strain Phase 3: K4FVXVCE

Hamstring Strain Phase 3.pdf

Exercises for Hamstring Strain Rehab: Phase 1 Acute, Phase 2 Subacute, Phase 3 Chronic

Hamstring Strain Protocol - Phase 3 HEP.pdf
Hamstring Strain Protocol - Phase 2 HEP.pdf
Hamstring Strain Protocol - Phase 1 HEP.pdf

Acute Knee Sprain

Who should perform these exercise plans?

  1. You have acute knee pain after a pop, twist, or fall onto the knee while running, rucking, playing sports, or performing some other activity

  • this may or may not be accompanied by swelling

Knee Sprain Phase 1:


Acute Knee Sprain Phase 1.pdf

Knee Sprain Phase 2:


Knee Sprain Phase 2.pdf

Knee Sprain Phase 3:


Knee Sprain Phase 3.pdf

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS) or Runner's Knee

Who should perform these exercises?

  1. You have pain around the kneecap or behind the kneecap, especially with squatting, running, and/or prolonged sitting

PFPS Phase 1.pdf

Exercises for Hip and Knee Pain

HEP2GO Hip Impingement Acute.pdf
HEP2GO Knee Acute.pdf

Achilles Tendinitis/Tendinopathy

Who should perform these exercise plans?

  1. You started to notice pain and/or swelling in your Achilles tendon (bottom portion of calf where it meets the heel) with prolonged walking, running, jumping, and/or rucking.

Achilles Tendinitis Phase 1: PLMKKK4X

Achilles Tendinitis Phase 1.pdf

Achilles Tendinitis Phase 2: 4DVFQPER

Achilles Tendinitis Tendinopathy Phase 2.pdf

Achilles Tendinitis Phase 3: 6FZ3PZHN

Achilles Tendinitis Tendinopathy Phase 3.pdf

Achilles Tendinitis Phase 4: FRQD2ZPH

Achilles Tendinitis Tendinopathy Phase 4.pdf

Shin Splints

Shin Splints Phase 1:


Shin Splints Phase 1.pdf

Shin Splints Phase 2:


Shin Splints Phase 2.pdf

Shin Splints Phase 3:


Shin Splints Phase 3.pdf

Plantar Fasciitis (Heel Pain)

  1. You have heel pain or bottom of the foot pain, especially if you have pain with first steps in the morning, after a long day on your feet, and/or with prolonged running or rucking

Plantar Fasciitis HEP.pdf

Shoulder Impingement

Who should perform these exercises?

  1. Pain in the front of your shoulder, especially if you have pain with pushing activities (bench press, overhead press, push-up, etc)

Shoulder Impingement phase 1.pdf
Shoulder Impingement phase 2.pdf
Shoulder Impingement phase 3.pdf

Exercises for Shoulder Impingement: Acute, Subacute, Chronic phases of rehab

HEP2GO Shoulder Impingement Acute.pdf
HEP2GO Shoulder Impingement Subacute.pdf
HEP2GO Shoulder Impingement Chronic - Mobility Drills.pdf

Back Pain

Exercises for Mechanical Back Pain: Acute, Subacute, Chronic phases of rehab

HEP2GO LBP Beginner Group.pdf
HEP2GO LBP Intermediate Group.pdf
HEP2GO LBP Advanced Group.pdf